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Ghosts on film: Australia's hit TV show to go to the US

One of Australia's most popular, yet most frighteningly real television shows has been acquired by US television channel SyFy, and will be debuting there come the end of March. On top of that, Australian audiences will be able to watch it again as it plays on free-to-air TV from Feb 16.

Haunting: Australia

The series, Haunting: Australia, follows the paranormal investigations of a world-class group of psychics, exorcists and researchers. It first premiered on Australian television screens in early 2014, but it's acquisition by the Americans is bringing it back into the spotlight.

If you missed the show first time around, it's cast includes:

  • Rob Demarest: Lead investigator with 20 years experience.

  • Ian Lawman: An ordained exorcist and psychic.

  • Ray Jordan: Paranormal investigator and one-time radio host.

  • Gaurav Tiwari: CEO of Indian Paranormal Society.

  • Rayleen Kable: Australian celebrity psychic.

  • Allen Tiller: Renowned Australian paranormal investigator and blogger.

The locations

The group investigated a number of haunted locations around Australia in their eight-episode run.

For example, one episode took cameras through the terrifying Old Geelong Gaol in Victoria. This historic prison was first occupied in 1853 after being built by prisoners, then contained them in small, unheated cells for up to 14 hours a day - without any sewage facilities.

They also visited the never-before-investigated Cockatoo Island, located in the middle of Sydney's Parramatta River. This surreal island used to act as a penal colony in the mid-1800s where few convicts ever escaped. Much like its Geelong counterpart, conditions at Cockatoo Island were notoriously harsh, so it's no surprise that a few angered denizens still linger.

What was witnessed there was described by investigator Demarest as 'perhaps the most disturbing thing I have ever seen."

Want to try a paranormal investigation of your own? Book one with Lantern Ghost Tours tonight.


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